Pearl Practice Intelligence
Case Study

Discover how much production is hidden in your practice

When you invest in the world’s most advanced AI-powered dental radiology engine, it’s an investment that delivers returns from day one––returns that add up to healthier patients and impressive annual ROI for your practice.
1 Month
To quantify Practice Intelligence’s ROI, we studied production data from ten Practice Intelligence-enabled offices over a one-month period.
10 Offices
In order to produce generalizable results, we enlisted practices of similar size – some GP-only and some offering specialty treatments –  in locations across the United States.
AI Detected Opportunity
Every practice in the study leveraged Practice Intelligence’s Schedule feature to identify valid AI-predicted treatment needs for each day’s scheduled patients.
Average Total Opportunity
$31.3k / month
On average, Practice Intelligence surfaced over thirty thousand dollars worth of previously undetected restorative and hygiene opportunity per practice during the month-long study.
With Specialty
$52.7k / month
For practices with in-house implant and endo, Practice Intelligence surfaced almost seventy-five thousand in additional opportunity.
Filling AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Filling Data AI
Crown AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Crown Data AI
SRP AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Filling Replacement
Filling Replacement AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Filling restoration with AI
Crown Replacement
Crown Replacement AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Crown Rep AI
Endo AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Endo with AI
Implant AI Detections by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Implant data generated by AI
Total Completed Production
The ten practices averaged an appreciable volume of additional completed production from previously undetected treatment opportunity that Practice Intelligence uncovered in their scheduled paitents.
$12.5k / month
Filling Production by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Filling treatment completed
Crown Production by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Crown treatment completed
Office Breakdown for SRP
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
SRP completed treatment
Filling Replacement
Filling Replacement Production by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Filling restoration completed treatment
Crown Replacement
Crown Replacement Production
by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Crown restoration completed treatment
$28.5k / month
Endo Production by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Implant Production by Office
(normalized: 1 doc, 2 RDH, 5 days)
Implant completed treatment
Production Boost
The practices that we studied saw weekly production increases that translate to six-figure projected annual revenue gains––even for practices that didn't provide specialty treatment.
Return on Investment
Increases in completed production across the ten dental practices studies signal a significant return on investment for practices using Practice Intelligence to surface previously undiagnosed treatment needs among scheduled patients.
Month ROI
Annual ROI
Annual ROI
with specialty
Caluculate your ROI
We built a production boost + ROI calculator based on results from this study. Plug in your practice configuration to find out how much your practice could benefit from Practice Intelligence’s AI-powered clinical insights.
Want to try our ROI calculator? Let us know who you are!
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Ready to raise your practice to the next level?
Get started with Practice intelligence today –– or schedule a live free demo –– to find out how we spin practice data into profit, practitioner performance and patient health with computer vision-enabled clinical performance insights from the world’s most advanced AI-powered pathology detection engine.
Pearl Practice Intelligence